Show #75 (I think) Playlist, etc. + LONG-PLAY WEDNESDAY!

Old record player.


Remember when people listened to the radio?

Well, people still turn on the radio, of course, but it’s a much different beast than it once was. The radio was the common person’s biggest or only connection to the outside world. Well, I’m not going to take you back to the ’30s tonight, but I do promise to give you a nice dose from the old school of radio play.

As you may already be aware, the last show of every month is Long-Play Wednesday. While I enjoy every show I get to do at Regina Community Radio, it’s my favourite show of each month, by far! It’s an enormous pain hauling 20-30 LPs around on the bus (I’ve got to take them to work in the morning, then to the station, then home), but it’s worth every step to hear that sweet warm sound playing over the air.

Tune in from 4:00 to 6:00 for an all-vinyl program covering folk/country, jazz, pop, dub, funk and a swinging good time!
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Show #74 (I think) Playlist, etc.

It’s Wednesday and that means I’ll be taking you home and across the universe tonight.

Tune in tonight from 4:00 to 6:00 for selections from Easy Star All-Stars, Gene Harris, Oscar Peterson & Michel Legrand, Rheostatics, Man Man, Archie Shepp and a whole lot more!
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Show #73 (I think) Playlist, etc.



Back in business, y’all.

Well, I always make sure to bring you the groove, but I’m finally going to start working on getting caught up on these monstrous playlists. Believe it or not, it actually takes a bloody long time. Anyway, thanks for your patience.

Tonight, we’ll be spending some time around the black hole of popular music. None of that mindless drivel that may have just come to your mind. More accurately, what I wish pop music sounded like. Aside from the ego-maniacal pretty boy pictured above, some of the other oddities I’ve got lined up include Björk, Charles Mingus, MSTRKRFT, Vampire Weekend and (naturally) plenty more.

Tune in tonight from 4:00 to 6:00 for a good dose of strangeness and good music to take you home.
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